Wednesday, May 18, 2011

IUD & sex... tricky

There is so many pros of the IUD, and I try to focus on the good in life. I try and think of the pain that I use to feel, and I don't feel anymore. I try to always remember the pain. Pain makes you human and pain makes you remember the bad times & makes the good times even sweeter. However right now the cons are over-riding the pros, and I hate that. The weight gain is a bitch. Pain and simple. It's hard to go from 125 lbs and than to 140ish depending on the day. Its a mental game and a hard game. Sure I have a booty and boobs now, which are a total score. But what is the good in it if my husband is scared to touch me because he doesn't know when I hurt or "how it is down there?". I want so badly to feel sexual and feel the passion we both have for each other. I know he loves me and is so confused. I try and explain to him that I can be told a million times by other people how amazing I look, but he is the one who matters. See my fear comes from the fact I use to weight 180+, and was greatly unhealthy. Hubbie still loved me, all of me. But I was uncomfortable but felt sexy. I didn't see myself as fat. When you go from 180ish to 130ish in 2 years, you become use to being and feeling a certain way. I am deeply paranoid of being heavy again. Its my worst fear and almost since the arrival of th IUD and unseen weight gain, I am scared where it will stop. I eat healthy, I work out like crazy and god damnit I just don't know how much I can do.l If I didn't have to eat anything besides cottage cheese I truly would, but I know that isn't healthy. PS I love me some cottage cheese. It isnt a fad diet thing. I don't know. I am so stuck in a world of not knowing how I feel or look and it's an awful hell.

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