Monday, May 16, 2011

Blarg Mondays

"Your body is designed to heal itself." ~ Donna Eden

So I made commitment to myself that I would watch what I eat, when I eat and how much. The last few Mondays for me have been absolute hell, and I thought it was just because it was Monday. Well this last week I made sure to watch myself, and I only ate a cookie and some fried won-tons last night. I am pretty proud of myself for this, as I had a party at our house this weekend, and good foods was everywhere. I have to say that today, I feel pretty stinking good. Which goes to show you that I really just don't have the luxury of most people, and while some of my health habits are health motivated, ultimately my body rules, and I gotta watch myself. Sucks yes. But it is what it is.

In my world, when you can find something that tastes amazing, and you can eat it & incorporate it into like "normal" food, it's pretty exciting. I went to Costco this weekend for our BBQ, and came across these little wonders Terra Sweet Potato Chips. I was hoping that they would be good. I mean I use to love potato chips, and have been craving a substitute every since. I tried the rice crackers and such, but honestly most aren't even fit for birds. Tried to give some to my dog once, ya he wouldn't even eat them. SO when I saw these chips at Costco, it was like a light shined down on them. I was so excited. I busted open the bag AND YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! So yummy. So delicious and sooooooooooooooo good for you!!!! THANK YOU TERRA!!!!

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