Monday, May 9, 2011

Feeling of barfing PLEASE go away..

So yes, yes yes I will admit, I went out Saturday night for my close friend's birthday and drank tequila which THERE IS A REASON why I don't drink tequila ;-) I figured my Sunday morning sickness feeling was not only a hangover, but also from the binging of food (AGAIN DAMMIT.. get back this) and opted that the way I was feeling is totally normal, and had nothing to do with my body. I went to mother's day brunch and nutted up, and had breakfast with my mom. Thankfully hubbie was exhausted and wanted to leave, so it gave me a way out. In my head however I totally wanted to do SO MUCH more with my Sunday. So I came home and slept off what I thought was a hangover. Awoke around 4ish, and do a few things around the house. Took my chemo meds around 5:00ish on an empty stomach since Hubbie was getting dinner, and BAM holy nauseated and sick to my stomach. I thought I could wait for hubbie to come back, but I couldnt and I quickly opened a Jello container, hoping to get not only some sugar into my body, but also some contents for my chemo meds. I google methrotraxte on an empty stomach, and supposedly its totally ok. Wasn't for me. I ate some pizza ( I know I know, TOTALLY should not have) and than I landed flat on my back for the duration of the night. Couldn't sleep, couldn't do anything but lay there. FML. Awesome. Passed it off as my horrible binging on Saturday night, and hoped I would awake this morning to a feeling better body.

Nope nice try lady. I feel completely nauseated and holy hot flashes. To top it off, I am still fucking nauseated and feeling sick to my stomach. Again, I passed it off as my chemo meds, and I forced myself to work out and eat lunch. Yep no more forcing, I don't feel good!!! My body hurts, I am having serious hot flashes and I feel like I am going to pass out at any minute. I had plans tonight which I canceled because I dont think I can even make it through work. I just want to go home, pop a painkiller and lay on the couch. Maybe eat some soup later. I am sooooooooooooooooooooo icky feeling on the inside and feel like I have the stomach flu again. Awesome. Just Awesome. Note to self. Seriously, maybe get help for binging on food. It isn't good for me, and recks hell on me for days after. How oh how to control that impulse when I drink. Seriously debating either going to a shrink for help on this, or reading some sort of book. I asked my hubbie for help, and you said you are stubborn, you wont listen to me when drunk~~~ Good point. Damn. Now back to work so I can go home.

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