Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bad Bad Bad Me :(

Sooooooooooooooooo I had a few drinks last night, and WAY to many smokes, and came home amped up on Diet Cokes and Rum drinks (I don't drink caffeine...) When I was enjoying the tasty beverage, I totally spaced that it was after 8:00 at night, and the affect caffeine has on you when you don't drink it. So around 11:00 hubbie went to bed, I tried but I just laid in bed and couldn't sleep, so I woke up. However I had already taken an Ambien (how I sleep) and I sat on the couch. Ambien has this crazy effect on me where if I stay awake through it, than I get sooooooooooooooo hungry and loss all sense of rationale with my brain and foods. So I made some nachos. I was good. Little Jack cheese, some dairy free sour cream and than some green sauce. But unfortunately I didn't stop there. Then I needed some chips, so I ate some nachos (still sort of within my food limits) and used some jack cheese slices to counter-act the nachos (they tasted really spicy to me). Yep I awoke at 5:00am with MASSIVE Pelvic cramping and ended up ON the toilet for little over an hour. It fucking suck man. I was dizzy, tried, disorientated and majorly hurting. Thank GOD I know my yoga breathing, and was able to breath through it, but man this one hurt. Than I went and got my heating pad and laid in bed for a bit, and finally was able to get comfortable. I am still feeling pretty exhausted and my stomach/pelvic area feels sore. BAD BAD BAD ME I know it is because of not only the Rum & Coke drink, but also the food I ate. My bad. I knew this was going to happen, but I still ate it anyways. Least I tried to stay within my food limits, and not eat something like a grilled cheese with cheddar. Anyways, I am struggling this morning, and all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. I didn't go to sleep until after 1:00, and waking up at 5am, only left me with 4 hours of sleep.

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