Monday, January 17, 2011

Flu :(

Friday night I was feeling pretty blah, but yet I stil managed to hut the gym. My chest sort of felt like it was on fire, as I could not run. But I just figured it wasn't something awful. Well I woke up Saturday morning with a 101 fever and awful burning in my chest. Thankfully I popped some Mucinex DM Friday night, to get a jump on my chest congestion, and thankfully it helped. I spent all weekend flat out on the couch and sleeping. My fever seemed to stay around 101. Last night, it went down to 99, but this morning as I try to disinfect the house for my poor hubbie, it spiked back up. Sucks, I worked so hard last week to get some things done at the office, and than today I couldn't get them finalized because I have a damn fever!!!! Argggggggggggggh so annoying. But I guess that's how colds go. I cant get a flu shot, because it sends m body into a tail spin. People with Auto-Immune problems shouldn't get them. Most people don't know this, but flu shots are awful for our bodies.

My pelvic area has been pretty up and down, but I think this is expected with my flu I have since it seems that my body holds a lot of its stress in my digestion/pelvic area. I have had some mild cramping & pain, but again I think this is related to my flu. Not to worried about it.

Headed to the library today. I hope! Ah shit, I hope they aren't closed today for MLK day. Guess I should call them. I want to start a 3-day detox diet every 2 weeks, but I want some more guidance in this area. I have a friend on facebook who ever Monday goes through his personal trainers detox, and I think for my body it would be a great idea. Help to reduce bloating and generally my body's sense of well being.

Well this exhausted me, so I think its time for a nap.



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