Divatastic Body
I think of all the positive things, and I try really hard to stay focused on that. I think of the way my pain use to rear it's ugly head in my body before, and the surgery which found nothing and the endless doctor appointments, and I have to say if you take the pre with the now, than sure the IUD has been amazing. I am annoyed with the spotting/bleeding and random pelvic pain. Saturday I was fine for majority of the day, yesterday was ok and today it's back to pelvic pain and some spotting. I don't know. My hormones have been through the roof with annoyance of the world last week, I am hoping that maybe this is just an adjustment period for my body. But who the fuck knows, who really every knows. All we can do is wake up in the morning and go through our day hoping that we do just that, make it through the day. I feel like some leveling out if happening, where I seem to be losing the "fat" part of the extra weight, and regaining my strength and tone in my body which is a nice feeling. Yes you two if you work out 6 days a week, and usually twice a week can tone your body back LOL Sarcasm you like that? No seriously everyone is different, and the way my body reacts totally depends as much as if a feather drops across the world, than my body feels it. It's a high maintenance bitch and the IUD has seriously put a cramp in it's flow (LOL in a good way). hahahahahah Funny. Anyways, I don't know. I think I am just ready for a change for the better for my "period" to go away, which really isn't even really a period, which I think makes it more annoying. One high maintenance diva bitch my body is. *sigh*Labels: IUD
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