Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here's to the good docs!!!

"I will always help the patients who have the desire & drive to help them selves. Ultimately healing rests within the patient, I cannot do this for them"- Doc Stevens

Today we focus on the positive, and those doctors out there who have never given up and who always believe in the healing power of the patients. I haven't talked about this much here because for the last 6+ months, my body has calmed and stopped attacking my corneas due to the immune suppressing meds (aka chemo higher doses it kills cancer, lower is lowers immune function) I started taking in April or May... I haven't seen Doc Stevens since the day I found out I passed my license and brought his whole office flowers. But Doc Stevens NEVER EVER gave up on me. He always kept trying and searching for the an answer and someway to relief the pain. After 3 surgeries, and numerous failed attempts of healing with "traditional" meds like steroids and eye drops, he found an answer. He sent me to go see a RA doctor, and Doc Stevens ON HIS OWN called Dr. B and they had a conference call to discuss me going on these meds. I use to be in his office at least once a week with pain. See the thing with eye pain is if your vision is fucked, not much you can do about it.... You can still "function" like you can with pelvic pain. You can't come to work to get away from the pain, and you just mind of matter with it.... You are fucked. Doc Stevens is the bomb. He is by far outta all the doctors I have seen, my favorite. Not only does he still care about his patients, he is completely ethical & honest, and a joy to always talk to. He is a shining light in the medicine field. So here is to you Doc Stevens for being the amazing doctor & person you are AND NEVER GIVING UP ON ME!!!!!!

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