Mind, body and working together
Been blogging with some fellow chronic pain peeps, and I have to say I am completely thankful and happy I got the pleasure of connecting with these people... Due to their posts, and my responses & blogging back & forth, I have realized that I need a second opinion... That I need to talk to another OB/GYN who doesnt immediately want to rip out my girlie parts, and call it good. Shall we say "Surgery Happy". Much like button happy with a older person and the computer LOL
So here is my plan. I looked at all the girlie docs in the area (I do live in a small town. By small I mean under 100,000 peeps up in the jeep.) I researched all the doctors in the area (THANK YOU google maps LOL) and most were "this doc is licensed from blah blah blah and enjoys fishing & playing tennis with his wife... ect.. ect... and than I stumbled across this women who bought the practice from another docot r about 4 years ago or so (nice younger Doctor) and under the "About us" section I read the following..
A D.O. is a physician who, like an M.D., is licensed to prescribe medicine and perform surgery in all 50 states. D.O. stands for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and signifies someone who has graduated from four years of medical school and three to five years of residency. D.O.'s may practice in any area of medicine from primary care to neurosurgery.
How are D.O.'s Different ?D.O.'s are different than M.D.'s because they attend osteopathic medical schools, where the philosophy is holistic, focusing on the whole person rather than just their symptoms. Osteopathic medicine emphasizes disease prevention through diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle. D.O.'s receive extra training in osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM), a physical skill used to diagnose and treat problems with the muscles, bones and nerves. OMM can be used to treat problems ranging from headaches to pelvic pain. With the addition of OMM to the traditional skill set, D.O.'s offer the most comprehensive care in medicine today.
Granted I am not having any joint pain, BUT this means that the doctor is willing to treat the WHOLE body and not just rip out parts and through me under the knife again. My plan is to discuss with her various treatment options for myself for heavy periods and also discuss the possiblty of IUD for birth control prevention and also for my general well being. Let's call old Doc... hmmmmmm Doc McHappySuregon saw me was I was on depo for 8+ years, and obviously my body was deciding that it had had enough. So he put me on MORE hormones via hormonal supplements ON TOP of the depo and my body completely fell apart.. Looking back at it, I think it was the beginning of my body "Out of Zen" aka fucking out of wack... So Doc McHappySurgeon took me off all my hormones, and life was great for awhile, and THAN wam all my supposed "bowel endometerosis" symptoms came back and he told me I needed surgery, to which I told him there had to be other otpions.... Waited all summer, massive & burning inflammation came back & he told me I have no other choice.. I even went home to my hubbie and said "We have no other choice." When one of the best surgeons in the country tells you that, you listen."
Flash forward to now, and I remember having conversations with him about the IUD and how it could benefit me potentially. It also could have opposite effect, but hey you only know if you try right?!?!? People with endo shouldn't have IUDs... fair enough. But I just spent $4,000 OUT of pocket for someone to tell my endo for when I was younger had not returned. So BAM let's rule that out.... So second opinion much sought after.... and after the feelings of rage and being cheated my Doc McHappySurgeon, I have refocused and gathered my thoughts... So step one : Find new doctor we like <3
Step two: Body & Mind. So I was researching girlie to switch to, and I came across a Doctor who works in an area called Energy Medicine. I started to read up on the practicing of it, and I firmly believe it can be of some benefit to me. I have aways said that my body is completely out of harmony with each other... Its always fighting and raging war on other parts of my body.. Exhausting.... I started Acupuncture about 4 weeks ago, and did the first standard 3/week and now awaiting my next one next week. I personally have noticed some benefits to acupuncture in "harmonizing" my body. My inflammation on my behind has gone down, and for the last 2 days I have been able to work out. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! So I am game to try finding the correct energy in my body. Appointment is this Friday :D Kind of cool. Check out the 9 primary energy systems and to me it toally makes sense how if one if out of wack, the rest will follow...
I did yoga today at lunch. Breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. <3 me some yoga. Thank god to, cause one more person pissed me off I was going to snap.. All ready yelled at my best friend and hubbie this morning... Period started.. isnt my fault. Stop pissing me off. I could feel how out of wack my body was... Moves I could hold for minutes before, now I shake greatly trying level one. Shows how out of harmony and zen my body got just from prior surgery & post surgery recovery. Birkam yoga is on my list, HOWEVER need to get strength & stamina back!!!
Hokay gotta run and get some work done.... Lots to do :D More to say, but not enough time for today....
NAMASTA *nods*
Energy Medicine
Labels: doctor, energy medicine, primary energy systems, second opinion, yoga
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