Monday, October 25, 2010

so sick of being sick

    A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul: a sick body is a prison

This morning is one of those mornings where I wonder if it is really worth getting out of bed for. I spent all day yesterday with the hide-a-bed pulled out, and sleeping/being sick in front of the tv. Even the simple act of getting up to eat seemed horribly painful. Originally I thought I was just hung-over from the amazing evening before, but as the hangover went away, i realized that my body is riddled with pain and suffering from well, being it's self. I spent the day drifting in and out of consciousness. It was awful. Made myself some simple grilled chicken, rice pasta and rice toast. Which promptly less than 5 mins later I was in the bathroom getting violently ill for 30mins+ or so. Well so much for eating.. It's overrated for today I guess. I had the worst stomach cramps every, my IC is incredibly flared, hormones again with period about to start ANY TIME NOW (helllllllllllllo) and today is reportedly the lowest pressure of the year.. Which also greatly effects my body. My inflammation is so massive throughout everywhere today it is simply amazing. My head is foggy and all I want to do is go back to bed. But I don't, because i am a fighter. I come into work and I am going to try and get some work accomplished today.

Gotta call around for a second opinion on my issues. I really feel like something else can be done, or should be done or something to try and alleviate the days my hormones are fucking with me like this. Every month, like clockwork I know I am going to feel like death. Stabbing pains in both my ab area and also my lower ab area.... Massive stomach cramps and inability to eat or keep anything down. I am dizzy and disorientated.,.. So goal for today. Make it through today. Call doctor to get a second opinion...

So fucking shitty feeling today :(

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