Friday, February 18, 2011

Time to get back in the saddle and ride this bitch!

"Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece" -Nadia Boulanger

Lately I have been devoting myself 150% to work, and I am doing ok, but I need to devote some attention to my body. One disadvantage to taking chemo meds to suppress my immune system (besides sleep problems) is that I seem to catch every fucking cold I come across. I think this is cold #4 but in all honesty I have lost track. Thankfully when I have the dreaded cough flu, it ended in antibiotics and was able to clea it up. NOW I am stuck with a cold in my nose/head, and I cant seem to kick it. Another week I think its time to go back on anti-botics.

However lately I haven't been rocking yoga as much, or hitting the gym. While everyone keeps telling me how great I look (apparently I was anoxeria skinny last year) now everyone tells me how I look better with weight on me. Another issue for another day but WHEN did it become ok to point out someone's weight?!? No one told me when I was 60+ lbs heavier and a size 14-16. SO WHY is is ok to say the opposite, how anoxeric and sick I look.. Ummmmmm when I was heavy I was unheatlhy to. Where were you than?!? Anyways, granted it is only 8-10lbs and I am still rocking a size 4, I dont feel good inside myself. I feel like I weight 200+ and like a size 16. I dont feel good, I just feel heavy. So I have been searching for the last few months for a good detox program to rock, but with my limited food choices, it is really fucking hard. So I keep searching and yesterday I think I hit the jack pot! My new new detox program will follow this, I personally LOVE it. The recipes like the homemade bread and granola seem amazing. I need to write up a work-out plan and yoga plan for myself, and stop working straight through lunch, and get to it!!! I know I will feel better on the inside, which is what matters. I am thinking 3-4 days every 2 weeks and see what happens. I just feel overwhlemed with toxins and well shit in me. I really want to try and rock my body back to the toned girl I was last year. I had my all my pain starting in July last year, and than my fucking waste of time surgery, and than followed by a deep depression, the new year and than the season. So I fell off the wagon and it's time to get back in the saddle!!! My plan is to rock the grocery store Sunday with my amazing and SUPER supportive husband, and get ready for detox!!!



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