Tis the season..
As a people, we have become obsessed with Health. There is something fundamentally, radically unhealthy about all this. We do not seem to be seeking more exuberance in living as much as staving off failure, putting off dying. We have lost all confidence in the human body. ~Lewis Thomas, The Medusa and the Snail, 1979
For my Auto-immune issues to flair. I will never be under as much stress as I am right now!!! I love my job and I literally normally sacrifice my health for my job. I am optimistic and excited that this year is different through the means of holistic care & diet!!! Plus I am trying my hardesttttttttttttttttttt to rock yoga when I can. With the busy season starting in full swing, I struggled to start with my schedule, and I am adjusting. Slowly. I am hoping for 3 times a week at the LEAST for yoga, ideally it would 5 times a week, but 3 is my least point!!! Normally this time of year I would be in and out of the doctors offices, and so sick & in pain. So far SO GOOD (as I knock on wood). I am feeling positive that this is the times of change and so is my hubbie. With proper diet (I have refused to eat red meat or break that rule... which I don't count bean and bacon soup because are those bits even real?!?!?) and proper watching of my health, I am hoping to PAY OFF my medical bills through the spring and not add to them.
Acupuncture was AMAZING last Friday. I get it once a month. I wish I could do 3 weeks, but until I pay off some more debt, not going to happen. First time ever I feel asleep during it. It was sooooooooooooo relaxing.
Spotting is getting less and less every day, yesterday actually marks the 2 months mark for my IUD I think... somewhere around the first of the month. My hubbie and I are able to have sex more often, and more comfortably for not only him BUT ME!!! Today I was thinking about how well, not thinking about having sex last night which for me is HUGE!!! Normally I am so swollen and in pain, all I can think about the next day is the pain!!!! I cant even tell you the difference. I have less pain and cramping, and also bloating which is nice. My stomach pain has gone down half, and my headaches lessen. Now the tricky part is figuring out what is "normal" aches & pains for someone working 11+ hrs a day, and what I normally experience. Weird Weird feeling so much pain and than feeling better...
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