Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cold stop!

I have sworn by these herbs for years, and my husband has always thought I was crazy.. In fact most people when I tell them, look at me like I am nuts, but man EVERY time I feel like a cold is coming on, you start taking these. Dr. Shen's Yin Chiao . At the sign of a cold, you take 3 pills every 3 hours for the remainder of the day, and let me tell you, THEY WORK!!! Yesterday I was feeling awful. Woke up and I couldn't breathe out of my nose, and my head was killing me. I was freaking exhausted and felt like I got ran over by a bus. There is a ton of different colds going around, and one comes with a gnarly ass cough & stays around for weeks. NO THANK YOU!!! So I stayed home from work and took the pills. I woke up this morning with some head congestion, but feel 90% better!!! My husband even takes them now. He sees the power in them. For him, when he takes them they make him sweat it all out during the night, sort of like his body is trying to sweat out the poison. For me they make me pee a lot, and my stomach flush out. Whatever it is, it works and it kicks ass!!!



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