Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A reminder of the past..

I was searching at work for something, and came across this word document. It stated " Medical Problems 3.10". I decided to open it and I couldn't believe HOW MUCH pain I was in and how bad it hurt!! I think this is an AWESOME reminder of how far I have progressed in the last year, and also a testament to Eastern Medicine aka holistic healing.


·         Lesions in mouth/swollen/inflamed gums (seems to correspond with flares)
·         Headaches
·         Superior Limbic Kerotosis (SLK)
o   Inflammation of eyes
o   Cornea surgeries
o   Dry eyes
o   Worse with hormones

·         Extreme light sensitivity
·         Rash/hives on face (cheeks and underneath eyes)
·         Cysts behind ears
·         Break-outs randomly and no reason. Just comes and goes
·         Migraines
·         Lose lots of hair.. no clumps but just tons of hair
·         Lips go numb sometimes & hives on either right side or left side of face

·         Sensitivities to food other than meat/veggies
·         Diarrhea/stomach cramps or constipated – to extremes, never “normal”
·         Worse with hormones
·         Nauseated randomly
·         Not much of an appetite
·         Eating sucks for me

Girlie parts

·         Endometriosis (surgery at 19)
·         Prone to UTIs
o   Current Doc ran test- high e-coli and put on Macrodante
·         Inflammation always worse with hormones/period
·         Heavy period for 4-5 days
·         Heavy cramps
·         Bleed rectally/vaginally
·         Take UTI pills, comes out rectally
·         Stomach always worse with hormones
·         Can’t take birth control- period 3 weeks and constant pain/nausea/bleeding
·         Gained 5lbs in a week with birth control
·         Allergic to condoms
o   Painful after intercourse
o   Have to take a Cystex to help pain every night
·         Ovarian/Breast Cysts
·         Infection on breast which was removed and drain pipe for 1-2 weeks


·         Swollen on sides
·         Itchy
·         Red and burning
·         Bruising
·         Turn white/blue or reddish/pink depending on temp
·         Hot/cold
o   Hands freezing cold or hot
§  Extreme sensitivity to hot/cold (painful tingling/rash if to extreme)
§  Sometimes husband says hands not the temperature I think they are
·         Hands red, itchy and swollen

Over-all general

·         Prone to bad infections/random cysts
·         Allergic to most anti-botics
o   Penicillin, sulfa, “macin”
o   Prednisone makes me horribly ill
·         Get shaky / trembly / weak and freezing cold
·         No sleep cycle- If I sleep 4 hours or 12 hrs doesn’t matter
·         Blood does not clot when cut or surgery even needles
·         Very easily bruising
·         Usually when “sick” my spleen swollen and/or hurts to touch
·         Night sweats bad
·         Always get very, very sick after surgery and never recover well
·         Hives, random hives or red rashes.


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