Post Surgery Blues
I am a warrior. Warriors never lose hope, because when they lose hope, they lose the battle.
Smoke-Free 19 days... WOW.
Had to go off my chemo meds (lower my immune system from OVERreacting to everything & also known as chemo drugs) prior to the surgery and the week after. NOW my body is starting to play catch up. I noticed my eyes are getting a little fuzzy, and my vision just isnt as sharp. I would imagine, and feel like this is from my body trying to attack my corneas again & build scar tissue, since I went off the meds for 3 weeks... Doesn't surprise me really. I am not going to worry about it until my allergies calm down, been on meds for 2+ more weeks to get back to "normal" or as I call it living.... One day at a time.. Right now, I am still reeling and dealing with Pelvic issues...
On a happier note, things I have noticed since I am now Smoke-Free:
1)When I get stressed out, I deal with things better. Sure I panic and still feel panicked, but I "deal" with things better. Doesn't seem so overwhelming all the time. Life just seems simpler.. All though reality it is still the same life, just smoke-free
2)Food tastes different. Like salt. Hubbie use to always complain that I didnt salt everything enough... Now apparently I salt things to much. LOL no hunniers, I actually just follow the recipe because salt tastes like well, salt.
3)Time flyssssssssssss by during the time. Since I am not constantly watching the clock for when I am going to get my next smoke break
4)Breathe taste better
5)Inflammation in lower area is cutting down every day... Co-winky-dink.. Not sure. Still investigating....
Someday I will tell my parents I didn't actually quit 2 years ago.. yes, I am in my 30's and still afraid of my parents.. dad not so much.... Him and I are identically. Mom. Ya she scares the shit out of me.... Love her, but she scares me... She is more judging than god sometimes... Swear... No joke... and she has this way of making you feel like she isn't judging you, but still judging you.. Weird.
Note to Self: Pat self on back for quitting cold-turkey after smoking a pack a day & with EVERYTHING I did in life;-)
Labels: eyes, inflammation, not smoking, post-surgery
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