Unlimited Tip: Many of us are taught to settle & made to feel guilty if we are single-minded about going after something we want. We go on to believe that our desires are selfish, our self-love is arrogant & pompous. Society tells us it is okay to want things, but only within reason & at a price. We're allowed to want comfort, but in due time & within limits. Ask yourself this: how much deprivation, how much self-effacement must you suffer through before you act on your desire for meaning & fulfillment? Before it’s your turn to thrive in your life, instead of barely surviving it? Some people live their dreams. WHY NOT YOU? -Jillian Michaels-
Woke up this morning with a TOTALLY better attitude. For starters, its the last day in March! WOOT! And also I didn't wake up feeling like I was going to barf my guts out. WIN WIN! A co-worker about mid afternoon started feeling the same way, I am convinced that we had a minor stomach flu bug going around!!!Some how I pulled through yesterday, worked a 12hr day and also rocked
Jillian Michael's 6-Week Abs without barfing. Yea me! You want to talk about an ab workout. I have NEVER rocked a video like this before. She kicks it and kicks it hard. I love the variations in her work-out, and how you can never get to exhausted or bored with one move. She keeps it fresh, challenging and kicks your ass. Not only is it a good ab workout video, but she sticks with her hard core Principal of working all the muscles and incorporating cardio. As she says "I was gargling my heart" while I was working out. Plus she provides you with not only a low level (which I need for some moves, just don't have the strength yet) but also a higher level (Bashera) who man she kicks ass. But it is nice because some moves I am stronger and better at because of my yoga practices, and some moves remind me how weak my abs are in some places!!!

Eating my one of my FAVORITE meals. I went to the market this last weekend and STRAWBERRIES are coming out!!! YEA YEA! So here is my favorite breakfast (and snack) to eat! Well at least one of the top 10. I love the sweetness of it, and I am a massive cottage whore so it works out well. Not really a dessert/sweet person per share, but I love the sweetness of Strawberries!!! Turns out the calorie count is good as well! I only am a cottage cheese whore with Lucerne low-fat pink container. Sure I will eat different brands at restaurants when need be, but for every day use, it HAS to be Lucerne pink container!

The no cheese ban has held thus far for all most a week now!!! Yes I have eaten 2 slices on my Turkey sandwiches when I eat them BUT THAT'S IT!!! I am so proud of myself. This is my little addiction. I love cheese. I could eat a block of cheese (use to in fact.. LOL). When I eat cheese I have no voice in my head which says "STOP EATING THIS" even though it will make me sick. LOL what a catch 22. Cheese is my dessert. It is most women's chocolate. The crazy part is that it makes my stomach so confused and makes me hurt SO FUCKING BAD and yet somehow I still want the sweetness of the amazing & delicious cheese hitting my mouth. I shit you not, when that cheese hits my glands in my mouth, I am already thinking about that next bit I am going to have. It seriously is my weakness and something I need to just SAY NO to. Last night I eat some soup (once in a blue moon thing because traces of wheat exist...) but with my upset tummy it sounded amazing. So I eat some soup. I use to dip cheese slices in this particular soup, and let the heat of the soup melt it just alittle, and ooooooooooo what an amazing treat.. Except I would eat like 8 slices.. Yep, no off switch for me with cheese... Shit now I am hungry for cheese. Time to talk myself down and out of eating cheese. Ooooooooooooo delicious cheese. Seriously.. This is what goes on in my head when I eat cheese... I just keep eating and eating.. It's my chocolate people...
It is a gorgeous day out, and I have been hiding in my office for pretty much all hours of the day, so instead of rocking Jillian (all though she was still yelling at me in my head!) I took my lab for a run! While running I realized that this was the FIRST time since my health issues back last summer and also Dr. Greedy's worthless surgery that I WENT RUNNING PAIN FREE!!! Omfg I cant even tell you how amazing that felt. I love running with my dog. Not only that, I went further than I ever did prior surgery. Such a huge milestone for me in my life, and showing signs of improvement!!! Thank you holistic medicine and IUD!! When I use to run it would burn so bad and also my pevic area would feel like it was on fire. It got to the point that I couldnt even walk around the block without being doubled over in pain. This really is a huge day for me!!! ROCK ON!!!!
Labels: abs, cheese, Jillian Michaels, running
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