Mondays are not FUNDAYS!
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. ~Author Unknown
First off, I want to take a moment to send my thoughts and prayers over to my co-worker who lost his brother yesterday. He suffered a heart attack and was flat-lined for 24mins on Thursday evening, and they pulled him off life supports yesterday. It is his only family (no aunt, uncles, cousins or parents) and I cant imagine the pain he is in. RIP.

Side note. In effort to read labels more, which I have been. My favorite Gluten-Free English muffins I found out why THEY ARE AWFUL FOR YOU!!! I read the label, 110 calories. Meh not bad. Than I read the serving size 1/2 A PIECE!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!?! 440 calories in a one GF English muffin? Ya sooooooooooooooo not happening. I for one week a few weeks ago ate these every damn day! *GULP* I did however find these Udi's Gluten Free Muffins at Whole Foods yesterday. Not bad at 200ish calories, and surprising yummy! I love Udi's. THANK You for existing. Just have to watch the calories in some of there products as they can reach over 300 sometimes.. However, these muffins are a welcomed new food for me to eat and the price isn't to bad...
Labels: counting calories, IUD, pain, Udi's
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