Saturday, March 26, 2011

No matter the circumstance... life goes on.

We had a tragic event in the firm yesterday, one of our lead members had an family emergency and had to leave town to take care of family matters. It doesn't appear as though the circumstances will prevent themselves for recovering, and so he will be gone for an unknown amount of time. With the deadline looming near, it now leaves 3 of us, to do the work of 4 people in less than 3 weeks. Yes it sucks and yes that means more hours which turn a 70ish hour week into 7 days a week for about 80-90 hours. So be it, its my job. My heart goes to my coworker who is having to deal with this potential loss in the family, and it being his only family it breaks my heart. That's the thing about busy season, even though we work non-stop and in our bubble, life does go on. My best friend came into last night as a surprise, but it was late when I found out she was here, and I couldn't meet up with her, so I am going to try tonight. Do I want to just go home and sleep, sure. But life goes on, it's an important fact that sometimes gets forgotten.

Yesterday was a giant clusterfuck. I found out about my co-worker right before my yoga/Pilate's class, and I even went to the class, but in sitting there I just couldn't give myself to the moment, so i came back to work to work out the details of how shit is going to get done. Basically, it all has to be done at this point, so no particular order. So Than I went back to the gym to go running later on in the day, ya I forgot my shows. MOTHER FUCKER.. Seriously... So I worked the rest of my day for about 13 hours, and than headed home. Hubbie was out with friends for the night, and I made a moment to myself. I turned on the fireplace, turned on my favorite reading light, lit some candles and rocked some yoga for an hour. It was awesome and just what I needed!!! It's really important to take some time to yourself during these stressful times. I think all to often people forget that. I'm making myself hit the gym every day, its that one hour I need to keep my body in check and keep my body from attacking me. My eyes are starting to burn a little which triggers old surgeries of the past, but so far I have been able to keep them in check. I am hoping it continues as that's the scariest path to travel down and I don't want to!!!  I will weigh myself today at the gym.

I am feeling better than I was last week, and also I started spotting and heavy cramping on and off last 2 days, which I can only assume is m "period". With the IUD it isn't even really a period... So far, IUD win. Ladies remember how it felt to have the IUD in, well that's the same cramping I get in my pelvic area. Before the IUD, I would cramp like that for 3-5 days prior, and a few days after only controllable so I could function by Tylenol every 2 hours. It was miserable. This cramping on and off and some spotting walk in the park. I am no longer cycical rectal bleeding, and also the burning pain is gone. I no longer have massive clots and the bleeding is so slight. Every month I have the IUD in, it gets noticeably better and better. Right now is period 3 on it, and so far I am maintaining... IUD has some negative effects, but right now I am looking at the positive.

Welp back to work.

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