Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feel good on the inside.. feel good on the outside

"If you don't feel good on the inside, than trick em into thinking you do & look good on the outside. Wear a dress or something to make your outside smile :D" -Grandpa-

I say this because my gramps told me this when I was a kid, and I have ALWAYS tried to live by it. Its a simple rule, but one that's easily followed. Being that for the last 2 months, I have done nothing but work and completely wrecked my "outside" by working non-stop and never taking a moment to breath, which makes my insides feel good.... till my auto-immune diseases kick in (which they are starting to) and than my inside turns into an internal battle field. And so, last week, I began my "re-balancing" of myself and my inside/outside balance. After gaining 15ish lbs between January and now, and completely just working, I was starting to feel so unhappy. It was coming across in EVERYTHING I did. My clothes, my friends, my work-outs (er lack there of), my yoga practice (which is the one place is shouldn't), the bedroom and most importantly and NOT OK my relationship with my amazing hubbie! So I took action for fear of not only wrecking myselfs but the relationships I have worked so hard for... And so that brings us to today, the 8th day in my "kick self in the ass" plan.

After yesterdays complete hell of a roller coaster with my body & pain i was in, I awoke this morning to a new day, and minimal pelvic pain which is good for :D I went into my yoga class (Tuesdays is Chakra Yoga day) with my bad ass instructor (shout out Miss P) and saw the sun was shining quite bright today!!! Out yoga studio has large windows in it, and I took the chance to practice in the sun, like the ancient yogis! It was amazinggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. I could feel the rays of sunshine while I practiced and had an intense practice. I was able to hold poses I haven't yet before and was able to rock half a headstand from trip-pod!!!! Also my Miss P looked at me after class and said "Beautiful practice". Yes Miss P, yes it was! SO than I went to pick up lunch at my favorite Chinese place for me and my boss.... I order the Rice noodles and chicken. Little bit of deliciousness but all still ok for you!!! The manager (who sees me all the time) commented on how tall and slender I was and how he is amazed with tax season I stay so slender!!! I was glowing. My point in this whole post?!?!? When you are glowing from the inside out, your glow is unstoppable :D Find your inner glow!



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