Feel good on the inside.. feel good on the outside
"If you don't feel good on the inside, than trick em into thinking you do & look good on the outside. Wear a dress or something to make your outside smile :D" -Grandpa-
I say this because my gramps told me this when I was a kid, and I have ALWAYS tried to live by it. Its a simple rule, but one that's easily followed. Being that for the last 2 months, I have done nothing but work and completely wrecked my "outside" by working non-stop and never taking a moment to breath, which makes my insides feel good.... till my auto-immune diseases kick in (which they are starting to) and than my inside turns into an internal battle field. And so, last week, I began my "re-balancing" of myself and my inside/outside balance. After gaining 15ish lbs between January and now, and completely just working, I was starting to feel so unhappy. It was coming across in EVERYTHING I did. My clothes, my friends, my work-outs (er lack there of), my yoga practice (which is the one place is shouldn't), the bedroom and most importantly and NOT OK my relationship with my amazing hubbie! So I took action for fear of not only wrecking myselfs but the relationships I have worked so hard for... And so that brings us to today, the 8th day in my "kick self in the ass" plan.

Labels: Chakra Yoga
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