And it shall be called Turkey Day

Got my whole week and last week all messed up. Stupid cold turning into a chest cold. I didn't have the energy to work out or do anything for that matter. So I opted to take the rest of the week off as well. Hell it is Thanksgiving, I can eat all the food... Er, wait. No I can't. No stuffing, no mash taters, no green bean casserole, no rolls, no dessert no nothing!!! Except turkey and salad. That's it, i am renaming my holiday to TurkeyDay :D Since all this girl can eat is Turkey and salad. Did you know that the average thanksgiving meal has 3,000 calories in it and over 240 grams of fat. Wonder how much mine has? Like 200. Sweet binge all I can on salad and turkey. Awesome. All well, at least I wont have the food baby that most people have after eating the holiday dinner. I have no guilt the next day of eating all that shitastic food..... Butttttttttttttttttttttttttttt that still doesn't take away the pain of watching people next to you enjoy the delicious goodness that you can't eat. At least I got football on. I suppose. I am always trying to look at the positive side of everything, so I am trying on this special day to give thanks to my loving and supporting family and my amazing hubbie. Also my amazing friends who through it all, have been there for me!!!! This I give thanks to!!!!!Labels: food, Turkey Day
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