
Welp today is Friday, and that means I have made it 5 days ( I am 99% sure I wont smoke today/tonight) and only had two smokes. Honestly I felt like such crap the day after, my mind is pretty easy to convince on NOT smoking. Plus GOD IT STINKS!!! Anyways, one day at a time.
Got my tattoo figured out with the artisit. He livesout of town, and by popular demand he is returning to my home town for the night in a few weeks, and I will be visiting him!!! WOOT! So excited. Nervous, but excited. Scheduled for middle of April. The horse's hoof will be covering one scar from Dr. Greedy.
Feeling pretty good this week. Exhausted but good. Didnt hit the gym yesterday as I was beat, and hubbie asked that I come home for the night and hang with him, so I did. The plan is yoga/pilates class today at lunch, which I am mildly scared of since this instructor kicks my ass at yoga!!! Found out Jillian Michaels released a new 30 day shred video for 2011!!! So super excited! This is what kicked my ass last year after the season, and also rocked my 6 pack abs. ;-) Saw commence next week.
My bladder is pretty inflammed this week. But I takle some PH balance drops which I have been out of this week, and it helps to reduce the acidity in my body, so it sort of makes sense. I tested my acidity this morning, and it was below 6.0, so it makes sense that my bladder hurts. Stopped spotting this week all most, and the IUD is still rocking for me. Eager to get through the season and into the summer so i can enjoy it. Husband and I were talking about camping last night, as I never wanted to go last year because my stomach was so fucked up, I never wanted to be away from a bathroom!!!! I am hoping for the best and remaining positive!!
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