There exists only the present instant,.... A Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence. -Meister Eckhart-
Had yoga class yesterday. While I enjoyed it, I wouldn't say it was my favorite class ever. We worked on the lower chakra, which involved pretty much 30 mins of standing series. While I enjoyed it, and dug the class cause Miss P is bad ass, it still wasn't my favorite. Good to stretch though. I had some time between work and dinner, so I decided to take my lab for his second run of the year, and hit up 6 mins of abs afterwards. Pretty much a good workout day. Not as sore this morning as I thought I would be, take this is a good sign that my muscles are starting to shape themselves. My abs are starting to look better, and more comfortable in my skin. I am mildly bloated this morning as in a weak moment of Ambien and a beer, I was hungry and eat some GF crackers and 3 small slices of cheese. One weird side effect of Ambien, if you dont fall asleep, it makes me so hungry and I have no willpower to say no!!! My obliques are starting to show definition, which is awesome. You can see in the right hand photo the scar from my Moxa incident with the acupuncturist. Yep still don't feel the burn, nor does it bug me!!! Hitting up Jillian Michael's 6 Pack Abs today at lunch. I find this video is bad ass for not only your abs, but a good work-out!!! Welp back to work. 

Labels: Chakra Yoga, Jillian Michaels
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