“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”
I am completely exhausted mentally, which is a change for me. Normally I am exhausted physically, which in turn stems into mentally. But lately, it seems I am fightiny mental exhaustion, more than anything else... I am mentally exhausted from dealing with being scammed by my doctor. My last recourse is to either 1) Sue him (which I can't afford since he took all my money) 2) Small claims court (again $$) and 3) turn him into the Medical State Board (still debating...) and 4) writing him s letter from the heart explaining how he wronged me, and how he has lost touch with reality. I only have option 4. For I believe in karma, and god I hope karma bites in his big greedy pockets. I will also be posting the letter I write here, in my blog, for others to search for. In hopes of when other suffering patients seek treatment from him, they think twice about what really are his motives. I wrote the letter, but I am going to think on it for a night....
IUD is going really well! Today I am having some spotting & cramping, but nothing which is to distracting... It is to be expected as my body levels out.. I wake up in the morning, I tend to have more cramping than any other time of day. Weird. It usually makes me a little worried, and once I awake and take a shower, it usually mellows out. Scary though to wake up to. Not sleeping very well. Even with ambien. I think I have just A LOT of my mind, and having a hard time just resting. Next week my period "should" start (if I didn't have the IUD), so it will be interesting how my bowels and my body reacts. Some people report having a flow for one or two months after, some report nothing but spotting. Right now I fall into the spotting category, but usually more so in the morning. Again weird.. I think my body does some funky doings at night!!! I am still remaining positive though, and looking forward to the good aspects about it... No better time than the winter to let my body adjust. Cold out and who thinks of wearing bikinis and shorts int he winter? Besides here pretty soon I am going to be working all the time anyways, so it's perfect timing!!!!
Labels: Dr. Redwine, IUD
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