American Gluttony at it's finest
I enjoyed myself yesterday as it was my first day off in weeks. I slept in till 8 (when you wake up at 5am every day, this is sleeping in), woke up and had some decaf coffee. Than woke up hubbie around 10:00ish and said "Let's go to breakfast!!" So we went to the locals breakfast location and let me tell you, it was gluttony at it's finest. I ordered a small, which turned out to be 4 eggs (a large was 6 eggs!!!) omelet with tomatoes, olives and onions with cottage cheese on the side and let me tell you, I was the skinny bitch who ordered healthy food. I made sure to tell the waitress I couldn't eat the Delicious white toast or hashbrowns not by choice. Not really the sort of place you want to order "skinny food". The restaurant was full of obese eaters (I would say everyone was 100/200+ what they should be weighing) and man I could just hear Jillian Michaels screaming in there. A table with 6 rather obese individuals was FULL of plates from the meals that they ordered. When one group left, another group of large people entered and soon filled the table. My husband's chicken fried steak and toast with hashbrowns took up not 2 plates but 3!!! I was seriously mildly disgusted. While I understand that the food is amazing, it's disgusting to watch eaters enjoy their prime rib omelet with a side of ham and A DIET COKE!!! I laughed my ass off when I heard that. I am sorry but REALLY?!?! Complete with the hungover college guys next to us, who were obviously there for top hangover cure greasy foods and were talking who they banged and the girls they met... Obviously first time visitors as they were all pretty attractive guys. All the other tables conversations were full of discussions of food. One guy wanted to be healthy and order the fish omelet, who than got heckled by his friends for his healthy choice, and ended up ordering the prime rib, ham and sausage omelet. Wow good friends. When they read the skinny breakfast which was simply 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon and wheat toast, they mocked the "skinny people who would order such things" GASP REALLY?!? Due to all my eye surgeries, my hearing is freakish strong, and while at a bar or a restaurant, I can tune my ears into pretty much any conversation and hear what they are talking about. Sometime handy like when I caught my "best friend" talking shit about me (now ex), sometimes unhandy when you can hear people's conversations you wish you couldn't.

Our dining experience was complete with us paying our tab, and while were were paying out tab, I noticed all the sugar free choices. Off considering they didn't have a single turkey item on the menu. I asked the teenager who was working the table, and he said "Well it's for our eaters with Diabetes as we have a lot!" Well DUH!!! Let me point out my husband felt totally exhausted and lazy all day, and we both took naps mid afternoon. Mine was because of my chemo meds, his because of his GIANT breakfast he had eaten. LOL Labels: foods
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