Warrior of the Battle of My Body
My body hates me. When asked what’s wrong with me, I simply say my body hates me. My surgery spree began at the age of 19..Than I guess my body decided it was time for World War II. I have had countless surgeries due to my raging angry immune system, 2 endo surgeries & numerous failed attempts at healing.. Recently diganosed with SEVERE ADHD, here goes another battle again myself!!!.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Eat like shit.. Feel like shit..
Go figure.. I will be the first to admit. After Labor Day weekend, I felt "ok" after eating the crap food (for me anyways) all weekend, and mildly felt like I was getting away with assault... So I took a few days off, and than football happened this weekend. I ate a cheese nip here, and some there.. Than I ate some cheese. And while I didn't feel great, I could still function the next day. Ate me some taco bell and Jack in the Box this weekend... wondering when I was going to get caught for murder.. and guess what?!? DNA busted me. I feel like complete crap. The last two weeks of "spoiling" myself is FINALLY catching up to me. I knew at some point the amount of food (more like the type) was going to get me.... I KNEW it would happen.. But somehow I kept pushing the limits and eating just one more bite. To be honest with you, when a certain food makes you sick the next day or for weeks later, it isn't like a food allergy where it's an instant pain, and something you have to deal with right away.. It's a complete and total mental game. Oooooooooooo can I get away with this?!?!? I CAN! Well than let's eat more... It's crazy. I guess in some ways it's like a mild eating disorder.. the fear of foods. Sometimes I find myself sneaking cheese nips (note to self throw the fuck away) hiding behind the pantry so my hubbie doesn't see me... *sigh* It's a CONSTANT battle, and it isn't something that is like a diet "Oh I broke it, I can go back" or an food allergy "like me and pineapple"..... It is something that you have to fight with EVERY damn day and to be honest it's freaking exhausting.
Here is how I feel after eating "bad food" for 2 weeks (i.e cheese and some wheat.. LITTLE)
My stomach goes back and forth between constipated, cramping & MASSIVE loose stools
My nose is so freaking congested I can barely breath
My eyes burn like crazy
I am exhausted
Feel bloated
No way I can plan anything around my stomach
No sleep cycle
No sex drive
and I am CONSTANTLY worried about WHEN the day is going to come when the food I ate will come back like a veneage.... It's like being a fugitive and constantly running...
Labels: food, food restrictions
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Weekend of Gluttony
Sooooooooooooo worth it let me start off by saying.. But holy shit I am paying for it today. We went on vacation for Labor Day weekend. We started by staying with family, went to a football game, and than headed to the coast with some friends. I had fully intended on sticking to my food restrictions all weekend, and than Saturday came.. I had eaten some yogurt thinking I would eat later.. no biggy. However at the tailgater, since I am the once who plans them all, I rarely find time to breath let along eat.. So I just drank beer. Meh whatever, happens. Hubbie drove to the beach and by the time we got there it was well past 5:00 and my beer & yogurt was deeply wearing off. Buddy of ours ordered some pizza, and I said fuck it, I am eating since I was near fainting and running on empty. I peeled off the red meat (wasn't ready to gamble with this) and just eat the pizza and left over yumminess remaining from the pepperoni juice!!! Ended up going to a friends bar, and I sort of stuck to my food restrictions (being still concerned over the pizza I ate earlier) and I ate a chicken salad with homemade blue cheese. Yummy! Day #3. At beach with friends, stuck to restrictions mostly for the day.. Than dinner came.
Crab Sammie
HOW could I resist that?!? It was a grilled crab sammie with dill salmon and a salad. I said screw it, and ate the deliciousness. Sometimes it just gets old trying to keep my body happy... and I was with dear friends of mine, and knew that they would support me in whatever. aka NOT be food police!!!! Hoping that my stomach would hold out through the night & into tomorrow so we could drive home. Than came breakfast the next day.... Limited choices.. So I got a cheese & onion omelet with a small biscuit on the side (I only ate once piece.. the top)... Made it home & somehow my stomach & body was still holding up. So I said screw it one more time, it's vacation & I devoured some pizza rolls (without meat), cheese nips & made some cheese pasta with rice. Yep... TOTALLY paying for it this morning but so worth it!!! I had an amazing weekend. My stomach is all cramping. I have farted more time than I can count. My girlie parts of inflamed and on fire, my eyes were completely blurry this morning.. basically my body flared and is now attacking me which I totally expected!!!! But again, totally worth it for one whole weekend to just let it go :-) Yummy crab Sammie:
Crab meat
Cheese (of your choice)
White bread or sourdough
Simply mix the mayo and cheese together with the fresh carb meat.
Add to the bread.
Make a grilled cheese.
Enjoy!!! Simple as that!!!!!
Labels: diet, food, stomach cramping, vacation