Monday, July 25, 2011

Taxing the fat

I have been saying this for years how unfair it is in America that if you make healthy eating choices, it will break your bank! Due to my food restrictions, everything I eat tends to be healthier. I mean let's face it, at an average of $5-$7 for gluten-free bread, who can afford that one a normal budget? I know my food costs are at least triple what the normal person would eat. Being able to make brown rice pasta with turkey sausage should cost the same price as making Ragu with crappy processed food. Hell it should be cheaper considering the fact that it's better for you!! Anyways, here is a great article discussing taxing the junk and making the healthy more affordable.

Taxing the unhealthy & making healthy more affordable


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blarg squared

I haven't been feeling my best lately, and quite frankly I haven't been working out or hitting up yoga, and I think I need to. I have recently been bitten by the golfing bug, and it seems to be killing all my free time. I really need to get my ass back working out (besides golf) as I can tell my stomach problems are arising slowly and also my inflamed bladder isn't helping... I am not sure why I thought I could get away with it, my body needs to be well maintained like a diva bitch. It's frustrating and annoying. As I sit in my black work pants, I just feel bloated and fat.. I am pretty sure it is the hormones, and can I just say I hate hormones.... I am bleeding still, again much less than before but nonetheless still bleeding.. Which I thought would go away with the IUD, but I guess any adjustment towards the down side is good. I am exhausted, sleep less & well my ass needs to get back to gym...

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Article on IUD comeback

Makes for an interesting read on the history of IUDs and also how it's making a come back.. Makes sense to me when it seems people keep saying condoms are breaking (which hubbie and I used for 6+ years, and never conceived, and also people not taking their pill correctly.

IUD article


IUD is kicking my ass..

For the most part, my IUD has been keeping me happy. I don't ever want to forget where I came from, and WHY I got the IUD to start with.. However, the last few weeks have royally kicked my ass. I'm still nauseated majority of the day, and mostly wake up feeling like I am going to barf. My bladder area has been all inflamed, and I am trying to add back into my daily routine the PH balance. I tried for awhile to eliminate that and cystex, but know I find myself needing it again. I just try and eliminate things when I can, but some things it seems I just can't rid of. Currently I am having to take 3 Tylenol, every 2 hours to keep the massive cramping at bay where I can function. While the bleeding is minimal compared to where it use to be, and it is still better, I guess I thought I would be without period at this point. There is no consistency to my bleeding, except it seems to occur somewhere in the middle of the month, and that's about all I can predict. Makes me wonder if Dr. Greedy was right on one thing, and that was that my body mimics a period, and doesn't really have one. OR I just bleed really heavy, and this is as light as I am going to be. My stomach problems are better when the hormones come around, but still. I guess I thought after 9 months of the IUD, that my body would adjust better... I mean it is, and I still have it, which is promising, I guess I just hoped maybe it would be a less painful at this point.

Went to a wedding this weekend, and have a great time. There were kids running around everywhere and I tried to hang with them, and it seems kids just don't like me. LOL My hubbie explained that these kids don't know me, and our friends kids on the other hand do... I think part of it is I am 32, and quite frankly my biological clock is ticking, and I would like to have kids soon... and I don't even know if I can. Originally hubbie and I were going to wait 3ish years, but as I told him on Saturday, I don't think he has that long!!! I would like to get the show on the road some point. Work and my career is super important right now, and I am trying to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. I put off having kids for my work, and I don't think I should have kids until I have my career path clearly lined out... But I guess time will tell... and one can do is plan & try their best.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Feeling better.. sort of

Feeling a little better... It comes and goes in waves. I am seriously starting to think it is hormone related.. included with some nasty ass allergies. I went out to the horse barn yesterday, and unfortunately the neighbor had just cut his hay, which was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to long... The grass had gone to seed, and he was cutting it to late, so while I was riding my allergies kicked into full gear!!! I am thinking that my IUD is starting to find it's place in my body well. My spotting/bleeding only occurs once a month, and I cant remember the last time I was spotting, so that is good. The cramping is pretty mild and rarely occurs. I had some minor cramping last night, which makes me think hormonally my body is going through some changes... Been almost 9 months, and I am happy I got an IUD ;-) I am excited to see every month that goes by, as it seems to get better and better. Had some minor flaring of my bladder issues, but I think that's because Cystex, which works WONDERS for me, I had ran out, and went a few days without taking it.. I think its a good product for me to keep my bladder and related parts calmed down. My hubbie and I had sex, and I was out of them, so I think some of the inflammation came from that. I am not to worried about it :-)

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Still feeling like I am going to barf :(

I thought I was feeling better, and the last 24 hours have kicked my ass. I am sleeping maybe 2 solid hours a night, and not peaceful sleep at that... I wake up exhausted, grumpy and feeling like I am going to barf. I don't know what to do. Hubbie is worried, and I keep thinking, or wanting to think that's it's just hormones... So I have an idea. I am suppose to get my blood worked checked (like a whole panel.. when I get the results its like 2 pages) every so often for my chemo meds I am on.. So i think I am going to go get my blood work drawn, since I need to anyways. Since they test me for everything, if anything major pops up, than it will show on my standard blood work order. I don't really want to go to a doctor yet, because what doctor would I go to? My OB/GYN? My A/I doctor? My family physician doctor? I don't know.. but I do know I am sick of feeling like I am going to barf. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks, because I haven't really felt up to working out hence gym time. I also haven't been eating much, and I noticed my clothes are fitting looser.. So I am starting to wonder if I am loosing weight... Which might of concern... So step 1, is get blood drawn and see if anything obvious pops out...


Friday, July 8, 2011

My body is fucking with me...

Between FLU, ALLERGIES, COUGH COLD, HORMONES and well isn't that enough?!?! my body is totaling fucking with me.... I have had a rough 2 weeks of dealing with these various symptoms and I am sick of it!!! It's TOOOO MUCH!!! I am wondering if my naseua is from my hormones and the IUD. I was feeling pretty skinny this week (from the stomach flu LOL) and than I woke up this morning feeling completed bloated and fat.. Well hello there hormones. I didn't gain weight while I was sleeping! LOL I have taken the last 2 weeks off (not by choice) because I haven't been feeling up to par. This weak with the stomach nausea and the allergies/cough cold, I didn't feel much like doing anything.... But I am sick of it! Today I am headed back to Miss P's yoga/pilates class and I am super excited.. Than off to golf a round. I will always be nice to my body, and known when it needs a break, but welp body, you have had a long enough break!!! Time to nut up or shut up. I also think I will weigh myself at the gym today, to see if I am riding neutral or lost weight from the stomach flu. Not much of an appetite.. Whatever the case, I feel completely bloated (which for me is hormones) and I thinking my body is just adjusting to another change with the IUD. We shall see!

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pregnancy symptoms?!?!

If it wasn't for my IUD, I would totally and 100% think I was prego..For the last 2 weeks, I have been very nauseated, and it seems nothing alleviates it. I have like zero appetite and I am having a hard time feeling energetic and motivated... Which so isn't me. This weekend for the 4th, I hung out with friends, and tried to be merry and social, but every time I stand up, I get dizzy & feel like I am going to barf. It's a horrible beelining. Top it off, last Friday I came down with wicked cough cold, and have a hendrous cough. I basically feel like crap. I just want to go back to sleep. My husband keeps telling me that I need to go to the doctor, but I am so hesitant. I know that with stomach problems comes a whole rash of tests (like blood work, tummy tests and maybe even a scope)... I just really don't want to go through all of that.. I have been through this so many times, where you go through all these tests and NOTHING comes of it except you are more in debt with the medical community. Sure my hubbie has amazing health insurance now, and it wouldn't be like my old insurance.... BUT I just don't want to go through all the tests again. I know with an IUD, pregnancy is still a possibility, while it is rare, I know it is possible. I am half tempted for $5 to go down and pick up a test, just to rule it out. I know that sometimes it happens, a surgery needs to be done to remove it... But god why can't my stomach/vomiting issues just go away!!! I keep thinking they are going to, and than I feel dizzy, sick to my stomach and weak. I don't know what I want to do..... 

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