3 Leg Wheel!
I have been practicing yoga on and off for 4 years, and I would say the last 6 months more intensely. Ever since I found bad ass Miss P's class! So today I was practicing next to this lady who was beautiful and amazing in her poses. I think my energy was feeding off of her, because not only did I got from tri-pod into head stands 4 times, Miss P called for an inversion, like a wheel. I was totally feeling the energy, and went into a wheel. I felt it, and I lifted my right leg!!!! I haven't been able to find the strength nor energy to do this, and I did! It felt amazing. I made sure after class to chat with Miss P, and tell her that I did it! She said it looked so natural see assumed that I had always been in 3-legged yoga!!! The lovely lady next to me seemed to know Miss P, so I made sure to tell her I enjoyed practicing next to her. She seemed floored by the compliment, but her flows were amazing! GOOD YOGA DAY :-)
Recovering very well from my flu today, in fact little weakness, but all and all feeling good. Bleeding has gone down to minimal. My eplvic pain is almost none existence and it seems that I had bad timing between the flu & a random 6 month adjustment of my body to the IUD!
Labels: Chakra Yoga, flu, IUD