Friday, April 29, 2011

3 Leg Wheel!

I have been practicing yoga on and off for 4 years, and I would say the last 6 months more intensely. Ever since I found bad ass Miss P's class! So today I was practicing next to this lady who was beautiful and amazing in her poses. I think my energy was feeding off of her, because not only did I got from tri-pod into head stands 4 times, Miss P called for an inversion, like a wheel. I was totally feeling the energy, and went into a wheel. I felt it, and I lifted my right leg!!!! I haven't been able to find the strength nor energy to do this, and I did! It felt amazing. I made sure after class to chat with Miss P, and tell her that I did it! She said it looked so natural see assumed that I had always been in 3-legged yoga!!! The lovely lady next to me seemed to know Miss P, so I made sure to tell her I enjoyed practicing next to her. She seemed floored by the compliment, but her flows were amazing! GOOD YOGA DAY :-)

Recovering very well from my flu today, in fact little weakness, but all and all feeling good. Bleeding has gone down to minimal. My eplvic pain is almost none existence and it seems that I had bad timing between the flu & a random 6 month adjustment of my body to the IUD!

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

IUD check!

Last night I tried my hardest to remain positive and stay OFF the internet about everyone's woes with their IUD and know that much like pregnancy and birth control pills, everyone's experiences are different. The human body isn't an exact science. It isn't something that can be calculated or even down to a science. Sure there is general ways which a body can react, but few years ago I gave that up, and realized that I am different & I shouldn't react. I need to remain positive. I thought last night about how positive my IUD has been for me, and about how good the last 6 months have been. I went to my doc this morning, and she checked everything out. My strings are where they are suppose to be, and everything looks A OK!!! She said that sometimes at the 6 month mark (which would be exactly this month) that sometimes the body will react with heavy blood flow and cramping. She said everything look ok. She asked more about my symptoms, and it turns out there is a stomach bug going around town. She asked if I had been throwing up, and I said no because my stomach is strong as hell. My symptoms are classic of this stomach bug, and I was so excited to have everything checks out ok! Well worth the $40 co-pay ;o) My hubbie and family was very excited to hear it was just a flu bug!!! Pppppppphhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I'm still learning this whole "normal" problems people have. It's all so new to me!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Something isn't right..

Last night I started to feel "off" and had some pelvic pain. I awoke throughout the night with some pelvic pain and figured it was "my period" and didn't really think anything of it. I awoke this morning to severe pelvic pain, bleeding, clotting and intense pain. I don't know what is going on. I was hesitant to call my doctor, but after doing some research on IUD and sudden pain, I know I need to call my doctor, so I am currently awaiting a call back. I took a percocet this morning, and slept for a bit which seemed to help with heat on my pelvic area. Now that the painkillers are wearing off, the pain is starting to get worse and my lower back is starting to hurt. I am getting severe spasms and it hurts bad. If I don't hear from doctor soon, I will call back. Based on the answering machine message, she might be out. Something is for sure not right, I haven't had this pain since I got my IUD in back in December. Scary and it hurts. Things have been going so well, I don't understand what is going on. I got more scared when i read the blogs and comments online and appears everyone who had this problem, seem to have a pregnancy with their IUD in. I am hoping & praying this isn't the case. Maybe my IUD came out. I don't know. I feel pretty weak and dizzy. I have gained the weight and my boobs are one size bigger, but I just figured it was from IUD. I cant get prego on my chemo meds, which would leave the awful obvious conclusion to this problem. Some people have to have surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, so until i worry to much, I am just going to wait for doctor to call back. If I don't hear from them, I might go into urgnet care tomorrow. I don't know. I know I don't like haveing pelvic pain again!!!!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is if we needed a reason to NOT eat Mcdonalds..

Here is another one. Ever since Super Size Me came out, I haven't gone back! Here is another reason to NOT eat at America's heart of obesity.

Another reason to NOT eat McDonalds


Allergy Season!

CAN'T STOP SNEEZING TODAY!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Allergies season is upon us, and here in my town they are awful. I can't stop sneezing today. My eyes have been mildly burning the last last few days which always concerns me for obvious reason, but lately after reading my friend's facebook updates I am finding out that it isn't just me, and people are having severe allergy attacks every where and mine are nothing. It rained yesterday, well and snowed.. My allergies are triggered by mold. When  it rains, the mold spores are activated and I can't stop sneezing!!!! It's an old allergy, it isn't like I am allergic to pollen or grass, but it's the mold. It was a killer when I use to live in the valley and went to college!

Busted out an old school (well from 2009) Jillian Michaels yesterday. I had some extra time to work out so I used it for her 45ish min video. Got it last year, and never tried it. I always stuck with her 30 Day shred. Let me tell you, I am sore in places today that I didn't know could hurt! You rock it Jillian. We never picked up a weight once in this video, she teaches with body weight & man I was gargling my heart at the end! Jillian would of been so proud! It for sure is rocking video and toughie man! I have Chakru yoga today, which should help the stiffness but also work me out even harder!!! Super excited!!! Hoping Miss P didn't attend another boot camp this weekend LOL

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Back from vacation...

I took all last wee off of work, well minus Monday, so I thought it was best to take a vacation from well everything. It was nice. I rode my horses when the weather permitted, had some drinks with old friends, cleaned the house and spent time with my hubbie <3 It was awesome and incredibly relaxing, how I am happy to be back at work. To much free time tends to make me a little crazy!!!

Tuesday I was feeling HORRIBLY depressed. It happens sometimes in our profession. Going from busy busy busy to NOTHING. It's hard to explain unless you actually experience it. It's  like a total emotional let down, while it is awesome to be done with work, it is also hard to manage... It feels amazing, but it is also such a mental down time, and hard to go from everything to nothing. I slept during my vacation, and I slept A LOT! I finally feel like this morning that I am rested. I also slept all day yesterday ;-) It felt nice. Figured my last day on vacation I should be lazy...

Well I made it through my busy season FOR THE FIRST time ever healthy and happy. I feel like I should write a letter to Doc Stevens and let him know how amazing he is, and how he NEVER gave up on me and my health problems, and he always believed I could do it. I feel like I want to give him the world, as he gave me my world back. Hmmmmmm how to thank an amazing doctor...


Monday, April 18, 2011


Welp today is the final day of my busy season and god damnit I MADE IT!!!! This is the first time in 6 years at my job, that I can wake up in the morning and know that I can survive this job health wise and make it through. This is the first time IN the history of my job where I made it through with a surgery, threat of a surgery or even feeling like one is needed. In the grand scheme of things, this is a huge day for me!!!! One I never thought would happen, but also one I never gave up hope that would happen. It feels amazing and so happy on the inside and out...


Saturday, April 16, 2011

It changed my life for the better...

About 2ish years ago, I started to do some research on inflammatory foods... And starting to realize how much this possibility could be an allergy that could be affecting me. I cut out potatoes, tomatoes and peppers and I noticed that my pelvic pain had not only decreased, but I lost some weight around my belly. Now if I slip up and eat even one french fry or potato product, my bladder flares up, my stomach hurts and I cant even begin to explain the extreme reaction I have to this... Crazy how scary it was when I thought of cutting out nightshade family, but I wouldn't change it for the world...This is a common allergy, but also a greatly over-looked allergy. Something to look into and try Hey after all, what could it hurt?

What is nightshade family all about?

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Friday, April 15, 2011

I will NOT let a Doc depress me...

I can be changed by what happens to me, but i refuse to be reduced by it.
- Maya Angelou -

I read this quote this morning, and thought it was quite true. Being that Doc Greedy (Dr. Redwine) is all over the papers for his suspension for his license, I find this quote very heart warming. See after my surgery which did nothing, and spending the  weeks before in so much pain AND THAN to only be told at 31 years old "Hey I want to yank your uterus out!" I honestly sunk into a deep deep depression. I had no answers, a Doc I once trusted with everything, was telling me there was no hope, and I was to just start yanking out organs. Not only with a total guess (which worked so well the first surgery) but I AM 31 YEARS OLD!!! Baffles me to this day how he can still think that this is an option. Ooooooooooooooo wait, HE WANTED THE MONEY!!!! He wasn't willing to even talk to me about red meat, or acupuncture or an IUD. See he got my money, worked his "magic" and was done with me. Thanks being total ass and uncaring about your PATIENT!!! I walked out of his office and spent the next few weeks so depressed.. I had no options... ACCORDING TO HIM. So me being me, I had some time to think to myself, and knew that there is always an option, and at this very time I decided that I was doing to throw out the window western medicine and doctors, and try to heal myself....

Flash forward a few months, I got my IUD in, and have been keeping up with regular acupuncture every month, cut out red meat (seriously should of listened to me Doc Greedy) and I am doing well and almost made it through my busy season!!! I am happy and healthy and I, no one else, is in control of my health. I made a pact that when I walked out of the office of a doctor's office (or health related) that I would feel good, and not bad about myself. Dr. Redwine has zero bedside manner, and treats every patient like they are just a number. I HATE that about some doctors. We are the reason you went into medical school, remember TO HELP PEOPLE!!!! I have always held him in the highest regard for the women's whose life he has changed for the better, and for women whom he operated on and made a difference in their, but for all those women, those US women who listened to him, a TRUSTED doctor and got no relieve. Got no answer and most importantly got scammed out of our money. His all might surgery is not the end all, and I wish he would not think he walks on water and this is the only way to treat patients. Surgery isn't the only option, and I know you get your $6,800 fee, but maybe if you looked at treating the patient as a whole person, and not just as a surgery, you wouldn't have such mixed feelings from everyone all over the Internet. In case you forgot.. You took this creed when you became a doctor, it is your duty to follow it completely not just as you see fit!!!!!

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given to me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Doc suspension really enough?!?

Dr. Redwine gets suspended  for one month, according to the board. It's nice to know he will be back "helping" women in May. I am sorry, but anytime I read anything that has to do with him, it makes my skin crawl and makes me want to cry all over again. How he totally disregarded my patient requests for alternative treatment, and led me to believe something that was totally different. His office completely lied to me, stating, or failing to state that my insurance company would NOT be paying for his crap $6,800 surgery fee and that also I would be responsible for the whole amount. I would of NEVER agreed to have this surgery had his office mentioned this to me. I couldn't afford it, and I wanted to try alternative treatments. Which come to find out, have totally alleviated my pelvic flares ect. Thank you IUD and Acupuncture & yoga. THANK YOU (NOT!!!!) Redwine for listening to none of my concerns with this whole, and leading me to believe for weeks that I was going to lose half my bowels. Asshole. Greedy Asshole. GOOD THING I DIDN'T LISTEN TO YOU AND GET A HYSTERECTOMY!!!! Maybe I should turn you into the boards because quite clearly you DID NOT have my best needs at heart, clearly it was your checkbook!!!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is Sugar killing us?

Very interesting (I think very true) article on sugar and how it is causing the Western epidemic. Think McDonalds & Supersized movie. When I cut out sugar & started reading labels, it really changed some of my auto-immune triggers and made me feel so much better. It's hard, but so worth it.

Check it out!
Is Sugar Killing Us?


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A yoga hello!

Well I felt inclined to write a quick note about something I have been trying in yoga for my 4 years of practice, and today I finally got it. In Chakra yoga today, the lesson was ego, and letting go. Maybe a coincidence I don't know but for the FIRST TIME ever in my yoga practices I went from Tripod to Headstand position!!! Not only that, I just flowed right in to it twice!!! SO EXCITING and truly a moment to cherish <3


A welcome new magazine coming out...

I saw this while I was checking out my one of my favorite websites. I am excited to read what it has in store!


We are people not a number...

As I am in our last week of busy season, I think about how far I have come in my health and how I feel. I think back to where I was a year ago, my bladder was so inflamed, think the WORST infection you could ever have and multiple it times 10. I was on medication I HATED. It was the most awful medication to help control my IC, desperamine which in higher doses is an anti-depressant and in lower does it does something to deaden your nerves in your bladder area. God it was awful. I spent 3 weeks working 11+ hours a day, in not only the worse pelvic pain, but also the worst constipation. It was horrible. I remember when I went to see the urologist, she was a complete bitch. Not only that, they don't take insurance, (only urologist in town) so it cost me $600ish to go see this total bitch. She spent like 15mins with me, prescribe me these meds, handed me a book and said there you go. Really?!? I remember I left feeling so happy that there was an answer, but felt completely disregarded by this doctor. She wanted me to do all these tests and such to see if I had IC. Tests such as a cystoscopy and something else. Ummmm ya, let's inflame my bladder and pelvic area even more. I swear sometimes that doctor forget that we are humans to. They forget that the pain we experience is real, and effects us in our every day life. This doctor was complete crap. I hated how she made me feel, and I swore I would get off these meds as soon as I could. Sooooo this winter, through help of acupuncture, yoga and changing my eating habits,  I can all most say for the first time in 6 years of my career, I can say I CAN DO THIS!!! I can work the hours I want.. I can make it through this. The power if you believe in yourself is just that, YOUR power.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

American Gluttony at it's finest

I enjoyed myself yesterday as it was my first day off in weeks. I slept in till 8 (when you wake up at 5am every day, this is sleeping in), woke up and had some decaf coffee. Than woke up hubbie around 10:00ish and said "Let's go to breakfast!!" So we went to the locals breakfast location and let me tell you, it was gluttony at it's finest. I ordered a small, which turned out to be 4 eggs (a large was 6 eggs!!!) omelet with tomatoes, olives and onions with cottage cheese on the side and let me tell you, I was the skinny bitch who ordered healthy food. I made sure to tell the waitress I couldn't eat the Delicious white toast or hashbrowns not by choice. Not really the sort of place you want to order "skinny food". The restaurant was full of obese eaters (I would say everyone was 100/200+ what they should be weighing) and man I could just hear Jillian Michaels screaming in there. A table with 6 rather obese individuals was FULL of plates from the meals that they ordered. When one group left, another group of large people entered and soon filled the table. My husband's chicken fried steak and toast with hashbrowns took up not 2 plates but 3!!! I was seriously mildly disgusted. While I understand that the food is amazing, it's disgusting to watch eaters enjoy their prime rib omelet with a side of ham and A DIET COKE!!! I laughed my ass off when I heard that. I am sorry but REALLY?!?! Complete with the hungover college guys next to us, who were obviously there for top hangover cure greasy foods and were talking  who they banged and the girls they met... Obviously first time visitors as they were all pretty attractive guys. All the other tables conversations were full of discussions of food. One guy wanted to be healthy and order the fish omelet, who than got heckled by his friends for his healthy choice, and ended up ordering the prime rib, ham and sausage omelet. Wow good friends. When they read the skinny breakfast which was simply 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon and wheat toast, they mocked the "skinny people who would order such things" GASP REALLY?!?  Due to all my eye surgeries, my hearing is freakish strong, and while at a bar or a restaurant, I can tune my ears into pretty much any conversation and hear what they are talking about. Sometime handy like when I caught my "best friend" talking shit about me (now ex), sometimes unhandy when you can hear people's conversations you wish you couldn't.

Our dining experience was complete with us paying our tab, and while were were paying out tab, I noticed all the sugar free choices. Off considering they didn't have a single turkey item on the menu. I asked the teenager who was working the table, and he said "Well it's for our eaters with Diabetes as we have a lot!" Well DUH!!! Let me point out my husband felt totally exhausted and lazy all day, and we both took naps mid afternoon. Mine was because of my chemo meds, his because of his GIANT breakfast he had eaten. LOL


Friday, April 8, 2011


All too often in life, we forget to stop and remember the small things in life. Today in yoga class, I had an amazing day. For the first time ever I was able to follow Miss P through her tough abs Pilates/Yoga workout. I was totally feeling the poses and the moves today. So much I took my tank top off, and practiced with my sports bra and my yoga pants. I was feeling every breath and posture. I all most did a handstand and was able to get up in crow pose for a few seconds. While I can see my body improving in shape, I can also feel my strength internally. It was an amazing class and once to take note of for myself personally. I am proud through my busy season I have found some time for “me” and also the strength I have found in myself. It’s not easy struggling through the hardships I have had in life and battles I have had to face, but somehow no matter the obstacle, I find a way to survive. I left class today with my instructor saying “You are truly a goddess:”.  I guess she could sense my energy today ;-)



“Be brave and be patient. Have establishment in yourself; trust in the significance of your life and the purpose of your passion. You are strong enough to sit in the space between spaces and grant divine inspiration to shed some light. When you place positive energy and productive effort into the world it will come back to you. Occasionally in ways you might not immediately comprehend and on a time frame you didn’t expect. Look. Listen. Learn. Stay open. Your destiny is awaiting you.”
— Jillian Michaels (Unlimited: How to Build an Exceptional Life)

My busy season is coming to a close, and I am quite frankly just flat out exhausted. I just want to go sleep for like 2 days, and just sleep. It's been a rough season but I great one for some many reasons. I am just ready for it to come to a close. It's been rough with a co-workers brother passing away, and the hours I have been working since about January but a triumphant one for some man reason. I only have a little over a week left, and I can officially say I made it through my FIRST season ever, where I am not healing from a surgery, threat of a surgery or one any where in my near future. Which is amazing and a good thing! One which I don't think I can fully understand it until I walk out of my office when the season comes to a close. I'm paying DOWN my medical bills, not adding to them. Sure I am exhausted, but for the most part I am healthy and I am exhausted just like all the other members in my firm. It feels so good to all most have made it, but for real I just want to sleep for days. My brain is ready for a break. HOWEVER I do want to remind myself how hard I have worked, and as Jillian says, celebrate that fact. Most people don't even show up in their daily lives, let alone to work out while busting out 11+ hour days. I am proud of my accomplishments, and I am proud of the effort it takes to keep my high maintenance diva bitch body together. I am just exhausted.

Pilate's class with Miss P today!!! YEA YEA! I love this class. Little bit of yoga mixed in with Pilate's. It's so awesome. The music she has playing is always upbeat and yet trance like and calming at the same time. I am excited to get my butt kicked by her!!! I might weigh myself today, I might not. I feel pretty good, so why struggle with the scale. My clothes don't feel so tight around my belly and I don't well feel bloated & fat.

Eat some Chinese food yesterday... 3 times actually LOL HOWEVER I was conscious of the portion sizes and making sure to keep my calorie count in check. I stuck to my limitations I have set for myself, and rocked a half order of chicken chow fun and later at night enjoyed a good episode of Law & Order with hubbie and eat some fried Won-Tons with a small portion of sesame chicken. While I know the won-tons are not amazing for me, I stuck to limitation and this was a little splurge for me ;-) Plus I don't feel like my stomach is going to explode this morning, and my body for some odd fucked up reason can handle won-tons. Weird but whatever. I stopped trying to figure out why or how my body decides what it cant process LOL

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

IUD prick!

Something that is briefly covered by a doctor, and in the research is when the man feels the IUD. I think it scares them more than anything! last night my hubbie and I were being intimate, and he got this awful scared look on his face and he said "It's hurts! What is that?!?" and I reassured him we just need to change positions, and we did.. All is good. But man he was scared. I said hubbie that's the strings on the IUD. He said aren't strings suppose to be soft!!! LOL So I had to explain a anatomy to him about the IUD and how it works. Than I started thinking about how no wonder the insertion of the IUD hurts so bad, considering he was just feeling the strings!!! Poor guy, I think it mildly traumatized him for the moment LOL


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One day at a time....

There exists only the present instant,.... A Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence. -Meister Eckhart-

Had yoga class yesterday. While I enjoyed it, I wouldn't say it was my favorite class ever. We worked on the lower chakra, which involved pretty much 30 mins of standing series. While I enjoyed it, and dug the class cause Miss P is bad ass, it still wasn't my favorite. Good to stretch though. I had some time between work and dinner, so I decided to take my lab for his second run of the year, and hit up 6 mins of abs afterwards. Pretty much  a good workout day. Not as sore this morning as I thought I would be, take this is a good sign that my muscles are starting to shape themselves. My abs are starting to look better, and more comfortable in my skin. I am mildly bloated this morning as in a weak moment of Ambien and a beer, I was hungry and eat some GF crackers and 3 small slices of cheese. One weird side effect of Ambien, if you dont fall asleep, it makes me so hungry and I have no willpower to say no!!! My obliques are starting to show definition, which is awesome. You can see in the right hand photo the scar from my Moxa incident with the acupuncturist. Yep still don't feel the burn, nor does it bug me!!! Hitting up Jillian Michael's 6 Pack Abs today at lunch. I find this video is bad ass for not only your abs, but a good work-out!!! Welp back to work.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Get by with a little help....

I just wanted to take a quick note and remind myself (and others is anyone else is out there) about the importance of love, support and encouragement from the people in your life. See last night, I so desperately wanted to eat a cheese pizza. SO NOT on my "I can eat this list" not because of the calories, but because it makes me horribly ill. And not just ill for the short term, but pretty much for the rest of the week... But in all honestly sometimes it's hard to say no every single day of your life.. and I get exhausted. I just want to cheat and "live a little". I told my husband awhile ago that I didn't want the fucking food police after me, but when I seem weak and want to give in with food items which we both know will make me sick, he needs to step up. Last night he did. He said huniers, I don't think that's a good idea. You will feel bloated and sick all week. I honestly don't remember, he said I blocked it out LOL So I came up with an idea for a date this week. We make our own pizzas at home. Mine with only white mozzarella cheese (NO YELLOW makes me so sick( and turkey pepperoni) and his whatever he wants. Mine will have a Gluten-free crust, and his whatever he wants. Point is he took a moment of weakness for me, when I needed it most, and saw that. He provided me with a quick moment od sanity when I was weak. Thing is, this is SO IMPORTANT in life and no matter what your battles are, it's much easier to fight them with someone when you are weak. After all, we can't be strong all the time! It's ok to be weak and need help standing up.

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Blarg.. Maybe Meh.

I have been so damn exhausted these last few days, I find myself working and than trying to stay off the computer as much as possible. I am so exhausted from work, and can't wait for an actual day off. So here was my weekend. Sort of boring today, as I think work is just exhausted the fuck out of me... Hard to be to exciting when all you want to do is sleep for 2 days!

Friday I had acupuncture. Which was awesome. She was doing Moxa on my stomach/pelvic area, and she got to talking about her relationships problems with the new man in her life, and I think she got a little carried away. A piece of the Moxa stick ended up dropping from the stick, and laid burning on my stomach for a good few seconds. In all honesty it really didn't bother me much, I think she was mortified. When I went to leave, she said that she wont take my money, and would just rip up the check. It really didn't bother me much, and the 3rd degree burn while most people it would piss them off, I felt way worse pains in my life and was feeling so much better after this acupuncture treatment.

Worked out 6 days last week! WOOT! Go me. I have to say it's been two weeks since I started kick my own ass campaign, and I have to say I am slowly noticing a difference. Holding steady at 135-138, which doesn't make me exactly thrilled, but as long as I am not over 140 mark, I am going to deal with it. I mean hell I have bigger boobs now, so some weight gain is expected I am sure.. I am trying my best to work with it. I had to take my chemo meds last night, and I think that screw with my system to some extent. I mean after all, in larger doses it is chemo meds.... Granted it works for suppressing my immune system, but lets be realistic about what they are... I am slowly starting to get in better shape, and I feel less bloated. I am going to keep going on the path on I am, and as soon as the busy season is over, I will be back to hiking, riding and running in addition to gym/Jillian/yoga/pilates workouts!!!
